The warranty period ends after two years from the date of purchase. If this data is not available, the manufacturing date will be taken as the starting date, taking into account the serial number.
This guarantee is not valid if:
- The serial number of the product has been modified, deleted or is illegible.
- The product has undergone modifications altering its original state.
This warranty does not cover:
- Damage caused by improper use, this being understood as any other than that for which it was designed.
- Damage caused by faulty assembly.
- Repairs or modifications by personnel other than SAEVID.
- Damage due to falls, blows, or any other type of accidental damage.
- Breakage due to overload provided that the product is limited in this sense.
- Deterioration due to exposure to corrosive liquids or vapors, solvents, dyes, etc.
- Fire damage or exposure to sources of intense heat.
To make use of the guarantee, the customer must contact SAEVID, which will inform them of the steps to follow below.
If the customer needs to send the product for its repair or replacement under warranty, it must be reported in advance. For this you can use any contact method that appears on this website. In most cases, SAEVID will take care of the shipment and if this is not possible and it is the client himself who manages the shipment, the expenses incurred will be paid.
In cases of replacement of the product, it will always be made by another equal or failing that of the same or superior quality.
On color painted and customized saddles, the warranty does not cover damage caused by abrasion or wear of said paint due to extensive use.
Satisfaction guaranteed
If for any reason you are not satisfied with the product, you have 30 days from the date of purchase to return it. In these cases the shipping costs incurred will be borne by the customer and will be deducted from the amount of the return.
Returns of damaged material will not be accepted.
In case of return of a customized product, the amount of the basic product will be refunded discounting the added expenses of the customization.